EP. 28 // How to Start Multiple 7-Figure Businesses w/ Leviathan DiVincenzo

The Deals & Dollars Podcast featuring Leviathan Devincenzo

On today’s episode we have the jack of multiple trades, CEO and investor Leviathan Divincenzo. Leviathan has an incredible track record of entrepreneurship, starting multiple seven figure businesses, from wholesaling, fix-and-flipping, and property acquisitions, all the way to live event hosting and a trucking company. In this episode, Leviathan talks about how he was introduced to the concept of credit, how he left a highly profitable business in pursuit of higher goals, and how focusing on passive cashflow is the ultimate way to create wealth.

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Key Points from This Episode:

  • Leviathan moved around a lot as a kid before ending up in San Diego. His self sufficiency led him to entrepreneurship. 

  • After joining the Marine Corp, he feels he elevated his life: leadership, how to take care of himself, how to properly carry himself. This is what pushed him to want to start his own business. He originally was flipping cars while in the military, this was the first time he was introduced to credit. He dabbled in entertainment, became a helicopter mechanic making good money, and eventually he felt God guided his life into full on entrepreneurship.

  • Levi started his flipping business in Detroit; as a native Detrotian he believed in the area, so he networked and connected with people in the city to flip properties virtually. He flipped 10 houses before he switched over to the wholesale model. 

  • Leviathan analyzed the vehicle he was in –wholesaling– but eventually realized it wasn’t going to bring him to his goals. He could’ve stayed in the model but it would’ve been for vanity. 

  • Since transitioning out of wholesaling, Leviathan has started his own trucking company, managing his own truck, dispatch service, and leasing trucks to his authority. Owners of trucks own assets and lease the asset to his company, as well as a series of conferences. This is a passive cash flow business. He also got very involved in cryptocurrency in 2020, making great gains before the crash of 2022. 

  • He’s currently focusing on government transportation contracts. 

  • His advice to new entrepreneurs is to act more than you think. One movement in a positive direction will always be more productive than one million thoughts that are never acted on.

Relevant Links from Today’s Episode:


Leviathan DiVincenzo was born to split parents going between San Diego and Detroit throughout his youth, bouncing from living in garages to low income apartments and crowded family living situations, moving every year after around California and Michigan until he settled in San Diego for High School. A product of split parents, Social Welfare, and no stability Leviathan had to learn early on how to make a way for himself. His Mom developed an incurable disease early on in his life crippling her, he grew to understand responsibility and perseverance at a young age. Leviathan developed into an entrepreneur by necessity; anything he wanted or needed outside of housing he had to find a way to make happen for himself. After high school he moved to New York where he joined the Marine Corps to completely change his life and build a foundation that would allow him to build stability for himself long term. Through his military service he was introduced to credit and leadership which played big roles in his success in business after.

The first success he had was in Real Estate starting by flipping houses virtually, with his partner and their team, in Detroit. They then transitioned from flipping houses to building a property acquisitions company centered around wholesaling houses to flippers. They got their first office in Carlsbad and built the company to 12 employees doing deals in multiple states, producing their first 7 figure year. He transitioned out of that company during the onset of the pandemic.

His vision along with his ability to structure and systemize has allowed him to bring his and his team's visions to reality from humble beginnings, for example, Better Way a company he Co – Founded, held its second Better Way Conference with over 300+ attendees that came out to learn about entrepreneurship and the first conference with over 500+ attendees. He now also has a trucking company and is a part of a strategic business partnership with a team of successful like minded entrepreneurs to provide an opportunity for people to buy an automated amazon FBA stores, they have a 30,000 sq ft warehouse they run operations from.


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